Tuesday, October 23, 2018

[Bunny Fiction] [Looney Toons] A Good day for a forest hop.

It was yet another fine day in the forest. The birds were chirping, there were white fluffy clouds that seemed almost painted on to the two-tone blue sky, there was a large black duck arguing with a dopey hunter with a gun. A grey and white rabbit was mostly in a hole, elbows propped on the ground as watched the hunter and the duck argue.  A small black and white bunny hopped up to the large grey and white rabbit.

"Nyah, what's up Doc?" The rather famous grey and white bunny asked of the small black and white bunny.

"Duck." Came the black and white rabbit's reply.

"Okay, confused little rabbit, what's up Duck?" Bugs Bunny, for who else could it be, pulled a carrot seemingly out of nowhere and started to snack.

"It's actually Ducky." Ducky explained.

"But you are a rabbit." Bugs pointed out.


"Named after a duck."

"I didn't name me." Ducky was happy to point out.

"An excellent point my diminutive little friend." Bugs said.

"You can't just go around the forest shooting at any old animal who crosses your path!" The black duck was trying to explain. He was waving around his arm like wings and spitting a lot.

"I think I can!" said the hunter, getting his gun ready.

"Oh, not this again." Bugs said, hauling himself out of his hole. "Look Fudd, every time you shoot that gun, every animal goes scurrying every which way and interrupt any very important naps I happen to be taking."

"You stay out of this, rabbit!" said the duck.

"That's Daffy," Bugs said in an aside to Ducky. "You're a better duck than he is."

"You know.." Elmer said thoughtfully, "Rabbit season and duck season overlaps this year."

"That's a lie!" Daffy spluttered, more arm/wing waving.

"Maybe," Elmer Fudd said slyly, "But who'll be around to tell?"

"I hate it when they make me work." muttered Bugs. "Stand back." He told Ducky and pulled a black orb with a sparking wick on it out of nowhere. He threw it to Elmer. "Your problem now!"

Bugs picked up Ducky and didn't quite dash back towards his hole.

Elmer threw the bomb to Daffy. Daffy yelped a "Not it!"  and threw it back.

The two rabbits sat by Bugs' hole and watched the bomb get thrown back and forth as the fuse got shorter and shorter. "This is where it gets good." Bugs said.

Ducky put his paws over his eyes. He didn't like hunters, but he didn't think that the mess was fair. He just didn't really know how to intercede.

"Don't worry, Duck. I'm a nice rabbit." Bugs patted Ducky between the ears.

Before Ducky could decide what evidence had ever been presented on Bugs' niceness, the bomb exploded.

Glitter went everywhere, inside the gun, in feathers, it blew Elmer's hat off, sent Daffy backward several steps and a sign fluttered down from the sky that said "Human season!"

Several not-duck birds decided this meant they should use Elmer for target practice.

"Ahh!" Fudd managed as he ran from white splatters falling from the sky and mocking caws and cheeps.

"See? I'm mostly nice." Bugs said, dusting off his hands. "Wanna come in for some tea and carrots?"

"I do like carrots," Ducky said, head in a bit of a spin. This was a very strange place he'd found through the closet. He was starting to see why so many rabbits just stayed home.

"It's the sugar content, mostly," Bugs was saying as he went into his hole. Ducky found the stairs easy enough to hop down. "But it became a tradition, y'know?"

Bugs stopped and leaned up and over Ducky to look out the hole, "Hey Daffy, you want some tea?"

The glittering duck appeared, "You're despicable."

Bugs tilted his head to one side and waited.

"Yes, I want the tea."  Daffy stomped down the stairs past Ducky.

"He's my best friend you know." Bugs confided.

Ducky was glad his best friends were far more sensible.. and less glittery.

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