Thursday, February 23, 2012

Its here, its here!

It arrived! It arrived! It arrived!

Donna over at Lavender Rabbit Studio often has contests on her blog, highlighting her incredible products and designs. (I MAY read it for the bunnies, shhh.) Last month I, with a little help from rabbit bribery, won this awesome white rabbit necklace watch! There was much squeeing!

Oooh.. wrapped all pretty! I wonder if I was supposed to give the paper and box to the fuzzies to play with.. *ponder*

AND a pretty card! Thank you, Donna!

Fergie is totally jealous. HE wants his very own watch. Too bad, Mr Gerbil, you're not getting one!

Now, technically, this wonderful prize showed up *last* week.. but I was far too much of a giant slacker busy to get around to posting. But isn't it gorgeous?

The only other news is I'm off in the wilds of Indiana for a while. The gerbils are being cared for by my very patient neighbour Catherine in my absence. :D I "accidently" forgot to tell her what their favourite treats are. I'm a horrible meanie that way.

Friday, February 17, 2012

New Years in Nanaimo

Sorry for the long silence - I'm finally digging myself out of months of misery. I'm allergic to marijuana. I live in Chilliwack, BC. Its known as the pot growing capital of North America, so really, I totally live in the wrong place. (I'm cynical there aren't places in Mexico that don't grow more.) Our strata rules are pretty much the Canadian attitude, we don't care what you do as long as you don't harm anyone else. Pot smoking is illegal inside our building. For quite some time the guy down the hall went outside to smoke his pot, but for some reason in December he decided to start smoking it in his apartment. Maybe he thought as an owner there was nothing strata (the condo council) could do about him. He was wrong.

Unfortunately, that took time to set up and enact on. In the mean time I was battling with migraines and nausea and a whole host of miseries. Just after Christmas I said the heck with it and packed up and went to stay at my parents place in Nanaimo, BC. As you can see above, the gerbils are absolutely terrible travellers. This was taken at Tim Hortons where I stopped for a coffee before heading towards the ocean. The cashier came running out to see them and coo over them. First time I've ever gotten hand delievered coffee from a take out window. :D

Freddy did wake up to look around once we got on the ferry, Fergie didn't really care. But then, Fergie is a rather relaxed fellow. One might almost say.. oblivious.

They had to suffer with three weeks in the luxury surroundings that is my parents home. This means air conditioning and heating, a lovely cage, food that they scarf through, and basicly being cooed at. It was a rough life, but they managed it being the stoic little rodents they are.

I, too, had to suffer with life in Nanaimo. Gorgeous vistas, friendly people, quiet atmosphere, and only a dusting of snow compared to the absolute dumping the mainland got.  While I was wandering around Neck Point taking pictures, I kept hearing the song "The Scottish Soldier (Green Hills of Tyrol)"  ("Because those green hills are not my land's hills.." Tho they do look VERY Scottish to me! :) )